Game Over Online Magazine - The Game Has Just Begun

Star Trek: Klingon Academy

  • 14 Degrees East and Interplay have released a set of screenshots for Klingon Academy. Klingon Academy places cadets under the command of General Chang, the greatest warrior in the Klingon Empire. Cadets will assume the helm of numerous, large scale warships of original design. Boasting rich graphics, new weapon systems, tactically diverse environments and interactive space terrain, Klingon Academy is scheduled for release this summer.

    As a young Klingon warrior inducted into the prestigious Klingon Defense Force's Elite Command Academy, gamers are instructed at the hand of General Chang, one of the most esteemed warriors in Klingon history. The academy's curriculum includes learning the code of the honorable warrior, battle tactics and the rigors of warship command. The foundation of the lessons lies in a full scale simulated war with the United Federation of Planets and, upon successful completion of the Academy's term, recruitment to fight with General Chang in an even greater, real-life battle.

    Battles consist of large-scale engagements encompassing entire groups of capital size ships from among six distinct races. Over 30 of these ships are exclusive to Klingon Academy and brand-new to this fictional universe. Furthermore, the new weapon systems require specialized tactics to employ or counter within battle situations. These systems include an Antimatter Field Projector Device and the Tractor Beam Resonator Cannon, among others.

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