Wreckin Crew (c) Telstar

By: Powertool


Alright, here is the story....errr..there isn't one.....basically, this game pits you against 8 competitors in courses from around the world. The plot is simple: You kick everyone's ass 'til you get to #1 and win. The characters all have their own individual ending that's in full motion video, which is the bomb =)


You can basically get through this game using four keys, so it doesn't take a genius to figure this one out. The game also offers weapons such as knives and land mines, but you do not need them at all. Also, there is a turbo button which will give you a speed boost for a couple of seconds. While racing, you are able to pick items up and use them to your advantage.


The key placements of this game are horrible... the acceleration button is the "." key. The buttons that move left and right are the "z" and "X" keys. The button that lets you go backwards is the friggin / key on the number pad. Speed boost key is pretty important too... it is the spacebar. You do end up crashing into every corner if you do not pay attention to the road.


At first, I thought the graphics in the game were horrible...but then I started noticing the little details they made. Details such as a swinging boat in the amusement park and choppers flying over the city in New York. I must admit, the graphics in this game are awesome for the size of the game! This game's graphics were 10 times better than Speedy Zone in about half the size.

Music & Sound:

The music gets kinda boring after a while because there are only a couple of tracks in the entire game. The sound effects were horrible. I believe I heard two "bleeps" during race time.

Fun Factor:

This game is damn good for its size. I think it's challenging anough to reply over and over again. I played it for 1 1/2 hours straight and only beat two boards, so it has the difficulty levels too. This game will stay on you hard drive for at least a month or so...and that's long for me!


Playing this game multiplayer is a blast.....you can literally play Wreckin Crew with a friend hours upon hours.

Final Comments:

This game rocks. Get it, you won't be disappointed!

Gameplay: 20/25
Fun Factor: 20/20
Multiplayer Play: 5/5
Sound: 7/15
Graphics: 20/25
Overall Impression: 8/10
Overall Rating: 80/100
