Speedy Zone (c) Digital Point

By: Prodigy

Any company who's ever thought about developing a racing game or they're currently working on a game, take note. Speedy Zone by Digital Point has made a game that does absolutely positively everything wrong in a racing game, and I would like to make sure that no other company makes a game this bad again that I actually have to play and review.

When you're running setup on a game, and it says "version 1.01" in the setup, you know that spells trouble. It usually means one of two things: 1. This is big load of crap or 2. it's shareware crap. This game falls under catagory number one.

If anything positive can be said about this game, at least the developers have taken advantage of 3D cards, as I was able to run at 640x480 in 16bit mode. There is a selection of eight cars, and they all look remotely realistic. When you start playing the game, everything just goes straight down.

Since there are so many bad things about the game, lets just make a list:

  • Horrible controls (if you turn, you slip off the road)
  • One word: Sprites
  • Opponents magically drive through cars
  • Laughable weather (Snow is white dots on the screen, rain is straight lines going down the screen)
  • Unrealistic driving
  • Awful music & sound
  • Screwy AI (anything above a level 6 skill level is impossible)
  • Lame damage system (if you touch anything, you get damage points, and its not noticeable, but you slow down drastically)
  • Total boredom in 10 minutes
  • Your car seems to magically go 0 to 100 in five feet.

    It could go on forever, but you get my drift on how lousy this game was. Who knows, maybe it was developed by the same people who made Thunderchrome. I think the best part was how easily I could un-install the game, which you should do after 20 minutes of this god-awful racing game.

    Graphics: 5 / 20
    Sound: 3 / 15
    Gameplay: 4 / 25
    Fun Factor: 3 / 20
    Multiplayer Play: 1 / 5
    Packaging: 2 / 5
    Overall Impression: 2 / 10

    Overall Rating: 20%

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