GameOver - Games of the Year 2000

GameOver - Games of the Year 2000

Best Simulation - Allegiance (c) Microsoft

Honourable Mention - MechWarrior 4: Vengeance, MS Combat Flight Simulator 2

Allegiance, the MSN Gaming Zone space-combat game from the minds of Microsoft Research, combines the challenges of tactical squadron-based combat, intense one-on-one space dogfights, and amazing graphical and sound effects into a space-action experience like nothing you've seen before.

Here's a quote from our review of Allegiance:

Picture your favourite space combat simulation. You're entering a stunning 3D universe filled with other ships just itching to begin an epic war. Now take out the AI and replace each of the ships' pilots with real human beings from all across the Internet. There's no scripts, no tricks that the computer doesn't realize, just human vs. human interaction. That's what really separates Allegiance from your average space combat title, each and every ship you come across is piloted by another human player. It's ambitious, unique and undoubtedly sets the standards for future multiplayer games of its kind. For those with the patience to learn its intricacies and metalwork, it's a gaming experience well worth exploring.

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Genre Awards
[ Main ] [ Action ] [ Adventure ] [ Expansion ] [ Puzzle ] [ Racing ] [ Role-Playing Game ]
[ Simulation ] [ Sports ] [ Strategy ] [ Game of the Year ] [ Comments ]

Special Achievement Awards
[ Best AI ] [ Best Budget Title ] [ Best Graphics ] [ Best Sound ]
[ Best Story ] [ Most Innovative ] [ Multiplayer ] [ Comments ]

Other Awards
[ Biggest Letdown of the Year ] [ Surprise of the Year ] [ Top Ten Worst Games of 2000 ] [ Comments ]

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