game type: Role Playing Game
game of the year: Planescape: Torment
publisher: Interplay
vote rating: 35%
further information: "And so, where does that leave us in terms of an overall suggestion for the game? When Black Isle released Baldur?s Gate, it enveloped the souls and minds of many gamers that played it, willingly or unwillingly, for months unend. The experience cap was detrimentary; but a few clever people (I pay homage to them now just like I did in the Baldur?s Gate review) removed the limit; that got many people dubbed cheaters, but as I said, there are also people that think AD&D is a form of Satanism. There is no more experience cap in Torment, so those seeking to make an extremely powerful character can, easily. If anything, we should only hope that the expansion packs (should there be any) would be just a bit better than Tales of the Sword Coast? in any case, Planescape: Torment is a yet another astounding title out the doors of the Black Isle factory, and is well worth your jink, as Planescapers would say." - Pseudo Nim








game type: Role Playing Game
game of the year: Everquest
publisher: Sony
vote rating: 13%
further information: "Despite the initial problems, which seem to have been fixed at this point, Everquest is an amazing game. I absolutely love playing Everquest and it should not be passed up by anyone. If RPGs really aren?t your thing it?s no big deal, you?re not forced to be a role player in Everquest. EQ shows off some great technology and what the Internet is capable of doing; that is, bringing thousands of people together in an online world. Everquest has an extremely long replay value simply because there is so much to explore and so many classes to play. So what the hell are you waiting for, go buy Everquest now! (damn skippy. -ed.)" - Prolix












game type: Role Playing Game
game of the year: Ultima IX: Ascension
publisher: Electronic Arts
vote rating: 12%
further information: "Noble adventurer, if you have read this far, you truly are a fan of the Ultima series or just enjoy reading lengthy tomes pertaining to the greatest genre of gaming ever conceived. Ultima IX: Ascension has been well worth the wait and I hope that all questions will be answered once the game has been conquered. Richard Garriot is less of a creator of games as he is a creator of worlds. What has always drawn me to RPGs again and again have been the intricate storylines and dialogue that stir emotions while the story unfolds. For this reason, it saddens me to see less effort being put into this genre than into the more popular FPS or RTS style games. Though I?m not knocking those genres, they are rather plentiful on the market whereas Ultima IX may be the only good PC RPG since the port of Final Fantasy VII. My hat goes off to those who spin such intricate tales for our imaginations to consume." - Lothian