Game Over Online Magazine - The Game Has Just Begun

E3 Showcase Title - Freelancer

  • Adventure, intrigue, and opportunity in an insanely epic and fascinating science-fiction universe-Freelancer combines a fully-immersive 3D space-flight system with real-time 3D character interaction to give the player complete control over buying and selling commodities, accepting missions for hire, and customizing his spacecraft. Freelancer is scheduled to be released early 2001.

    Game Features:

  • Dynamic Reputation
    Your reputation will continually change and evolve throughout the game. You can take a bounty-hunting mission targeting a guild member, but if you're successful they'll be looking for you! Also, as you become more and more successful, competitors will take notice. Inevitably there will be a price on your head.

  • Interstellar Marketplace
    Commodity trading turns the gears of the Freelancer universe. Mining planets churn out valuable minerals, Agriculture planets cultivate grain, and Industrial planets pump out the consumer goods. All are traded for different values around the sector. You can make a killing in the market… or lose big-time. What makes these markets unique is the fact that they are always changing depending on events in the surrounding universe, shifts in the prevailing political winds, and good old-fashioned supply and demand. You can actually affect the value of commodities in different markets based on what missions you fly, what cargo ships you plunder, or how many pirates you scuttle.

  • Mission Generation
    Missions change based on your ship, reputation, and local marketplace. If pirates just raided the grain supply for the planet Ganymede, then different relevant missions will be offered. Take out the pirates orbiting Ganymede if you're a mercenary, or deliver urgently needed grain consignments if you're a merchant.

  • Personalized Ship
    Buy the ship that serves your desired profession best, be it bounty hunting, trading, piracy or exploration , and upgrade her throughout the game according to personal taste, wealth, and need. Then take your ship on-line to battle other players' pride-and-joys.

  • Simple, Dynamic Interface
    With the simple and intuitive mouse driven interface, you won't have to plow through countless pages of a manual to learn to fly-just point and click when planet side, and aim and fire in the cockpit. You won't face any more complexity than necessary, until your ready to buy advanced hardware for your ship.

  • Where Do You Want to Fly?
    A pool of over 300 missions (courier runs, convoy escorts, deep-space reconnaissance, 'insider trading', bounty hunts, and more) deliver a unique experience for every player, every time.

  • Stunning 3D Space-Flight Engine
    State-of-the-art lighting effects-lens flares, glass, spotlight glares, running lights, light sourced explosions, kinematics, advanced particle system, 32-bit color graphics, volumetric nebulas, asteroid fields, planetary rings and black holes, individual ship components that can targeted and destroyed, affecting the ship's performance, 3D virtual cockpit, side panels that fly off when shot, and much more.

  • Never-Ending Game
    Non-stop action as you fly an unlimited number of randomly generated missions, even after you've finished the storyline.

  • Fictionally Rich Universe
    Ruthless mercenaries, fanatical missionaries, and greedy racketeers all battle for political power and influence. The commodities markets may turn the gears of the universe, but politics determine which gears do the turning, and how fast. The universe fiction isn't merely a "back story" -- it takes an active role in defining the game experience.

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