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American McGee's Alice

  • American McGee's Alice adds a unique chapter to the classic Lewis Carroll fantasy. In this adaptation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, gamers become a wiser, more resourceful Alice as she tries to free Wonderland from the domination of the deranged Queen of Hearts. Alice alone is able to overcome the capricious challenges of the Queen's sinister and demented realm. 3D shooter veteran American McGee, one-time map designer at id, is the creative force behind this third-person 3D action game. His Alice will expose an array of nasty toys, vicious creatures, fearful settings, devious puzzles and familiar locations.

    The gamer will explore more than 15 levels, each teeming with ambient life and surreal effects. Based in part on the almost limitless potential of the classic Wonderland environments, each area will have a distinct feel and twisted sense of design. EA said in a press release that McGee and Rogue Entertainment are creating a world of vivid interactivity, emphasizing character and location details that allow for the widest range of situations. As Alice moves through Wonderland, she will be able to leap off ledges, stroll up walls, jump and execute a list of special moves based on specific locations. Alice will also encounter areas of Wonderland where she will tower over objects and creatures, and where she will be but a grain on the landscape.

    There will be over 30 active characters in American McGee's Alice. The enigmatic Cheshire Cat will be Alice's confidant and guide through Wonderland. A demented Mad Hatter, an astute Caterpillar, and the hostile Tweedledee and Tweedledum are a sampling of the traditional characters with which Alice will interact. McGee will also introduce some new denizens that will range from the amusing to the bizarre. Alice's creatures will be intelligent as well as cunning and agile. Each will act, react and interact as realistically as possible and feature a large number of death animations, including burning, crushing, drowning, freezing and vaporizing. American McGee's Alice, coming in Quarter 3 2000, is being built on the QUAKE III Arena engine. Features include:

  • More than 15 challenging levels
  • Over 30 active characters
  • Beautiful 3D environments, including the intimidating Fortress of Doors
  • A unique collection of effective weapons; Demon Dice, the Ice Wand and razor-sharp cards are as fun as they are lethal
  • 3D surround sound
  • Professional musical score
  • Superior sound effects
  • Specialized particle system for fire, fog, explosions, rain and snow

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